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Covid19 Release


April 14, 2020

Dear NRA Family, 

In consideration of the current situation regarding COVID-19 (coronavirus), the Northern Rodeo Association (NRA) and the Northern Women’s Rodeo Association (NWRA) is continuing to monitor regulations and mandates from local, state and national authorities. At this time, the 2020 NRA / NWRA is proceeding with our schedule and will make modifications as we progress forward if needed. We eagerly anticipate, along with our members, contestants, contract personnel, sponsors, committees, stock contractors, and fans, a significant season of rodeo. 

We understand the toll this has and will take on farmers, ranchers, small businesses, non-profits, and many others, but we are dedicated to ensuring the sport of rodeo continues and will thrive in 2020. We are excited to start our season and we are preparing for a potential rise in the growth this year with the eagerness of contestants and fans to get back to the enjoyment of America’s number one sport. 

Please don’t hesitate to reach out to us with any questions. Stay safe and we look forward to rodeoing with you soon! 

Best regards, 

Joe Warner 

NRA President

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2024 Northern Rodeo Association

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